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How Much Caffeine is in Filter Coffee?
Wondering how much caffeine is in your filter coffee? In this article, we break down the key factors affecting caffeine content, including coffee bean type, brewing method, and serving size. Plus, discover how Original Power Coffee, with its health-boosting ingredients like MCT oil and Lion’s Mane, can take your filter coffee experience to the next level by providing sustained energy and improved focus.

What is the Best Light Roast Coffee Bean?
Discover the world of light roast coffee beans, from the delicate fruity and floral flavors to the best beans to try like Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, Guatemalan Huehuetenango, and Colombian Light Roast. Learn how to brew the perfect light roast coffee and elevate your experience with Original Power Coffee's Smart Energy Coffee Blend, combining premium Brazilian Arabica beans with functional ingredients for sustained energy and better focus.

Taurine: A Key Ingredient for Health and Performance
Taurine is a powerful amino acid with numerous health benefits, including supporting heart health, boosting exercise performance, and promoting brain function. It's a key ingredient in Original Power Coffee, helping to provide balanced, sustained energy and focus throughout the day.

Why Not to Mix Alcohol and Coffee Drinks
Mixing alcohol and coffee might seem fun, but it can create an imbalance in your body that affects your mental clarity and coordination. The caffeine in coffee can mask the depressant effects of alcohol, making you feel more alert than you actually are, which could lead to risky behaviours. Additionally, both alcohol and caffeine can cause dehydration and strain on your heart. Instead of mixing them, try healthier alternatives like Original Power Coffee for steady, focused energy without the downsides.

Does Coffee Ice Cream Have Caffeine?
Coffee ice cream can give you a slight caffeine boost, but not nearly as much as your morning cup of coffee. Typically, a scoop contains around 21.6 mg of caffeine, much lower than the 95 mg in an 8-ounce cup of coffee. The caffeine content varies depending on whether the ice cream is made with brewed coffee or concentrated coffee extract. While coffee ice cream is loved for its creamy texture and bold coffee flavor, it’s also a great option for those craving a taste of coffee without the full caffeine jolt. For a healthier alternative with sustained energy, try Original Power Coffee.